Change Lives

Change Lives

Monday, 15 September 2014

Anja At The Seaside.....

You will remember Anja from a "Change Lives" appeal a little while back. She is responding well to her renal diet, and I had her down to the vets last week for her routine blood tests to check her phosphate levels. As you can see though she is enjoying her life, and making new friends all the time. This is one of several trips she has had to the seaside, and I'm not sure who looks the happier, Anja or Kate!

Pictures like this make it all worthwhile, but remember we still need your help..... Anja's prescription food cost just over £80 for a 14kg bag. Can you help us with our life long commitment to give Anja the only thing that can help her?

If so you can contribute by the following methods:

Send a cheque (payable to SHAK) to Wildwood Cottage, 3a Stead Lane, Bedlington NE22 5LT.

Make a donation via PayPal to the email address (marking all donations the Anja Appeal)

Call Moorview Vets directly on 0191 256 6990 (please tell them it is for food for Anja at SHAK)

Hand in your donation to the SHAK stall at one of the events on the Events Page.

Or print off the Standing Order form below:
Of course, another way of helping is by offering Anja a Forever Foster home. It would be the very least she deserves if she was to spend her life with a family that loves her. If you are interested then please contact me via email
The information we have tells us Anja is only three years old. Her life hasn't even started yet. We are doing all we can to kick start it, and even save it. But we need your help.....