Change Lives

Change Lives

Thursday, 19 March 2020

Crisis Point. Come Together Or Say Goodbye For Good....

It's with a very heavy heart that I have to type this message, but developments of the last 48 hours or so has plunged the whole charity into crisis leaving everything we have ever worked for in serious jeopardy.

Since the outbreak of the Corona virus the takings in the shop have plummeted.  The town is empty and it's a trend that's getting worse. On top of that, the government's Self Isolating for the Over 70's scheme has severely affected the retail workforce, including the management that runs it.

We are left with no option to announce that the shop will close at the end of business this Saturday.

We are in negotiations to try and get a crew of staff to cover maybe a Friday and Saturday, but obviously even if we can do this it will be just until if or when the  government close the retail sector down.

Its not just financially we will lose out, although there will be more on that later, obviously the majority of our bedding and food donations come through the shop door. Without either we then have another serious issue.

A sudden change in circumstances means our on line sales is currently limited, although we are trying to get as much sold via Ebay as we can.

All in all it means that we somehow need to raise between £1,000 and £1,300 per WEEK just to operate as we are now, until normality resumes. That is how much this is all effecting us.

The alternative is that all staff are made redundant and I run the place on my own with voluntary help when it's available. Whilst I am trying to make myself believe that would be possible, 7 days and 356 days a year it is most certainly not. Plus the loss of a greatly experienced workforce would have such a detrimental effect on what we could give to the dogs.

There is of course also the worry of the virus itself. Everybody has to stay safe.  And we have the concern of if anybody comes down with symptoms our entire workforce could be wiped out.

That would basically leave us with no option but to close. I don't need to spell out the position that would leave a lot of our dogs in.

I don't know where we go from here, other than to launch one last desperate appeal to save the whole organisation. I know so many other small charities are in the same position, but I have to give it my all. I couldn't live knowing our dogs had died because of this.

If you can spare anything at such a desperate time, you can by PayPal:

Or by posting a cheque made payable to SHAK to SHAK HQ, Greenwell Road, Alnwick NE66 1HB

Its heartbreaking to think moments like this may soon be a thing of the past.