Change Lives

Change Lives

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Summer Has Found Her Home.....

You'll all remember Summer who moved into foster with Lesley a few weeks ago along with Storm (who has since found a Forever Foster home) well today I got this great news via an email entitled "Summer Has Found Her Home."

"Summer continues to be wonderful, she just amazes me sometimes with how good she is. She still has panicky moments but they are easily managed now and most of the time she`s absolutely brilliant.  She`s worked her little socks off to fit in here and the others have completely accepted her - there`s no doubt in anybody`s mind that she`s one of the team.  She`s been so brave in doing things she`d rather not do and letting me handle her even though her little body`s absolutely rigid with fear.  As far as she`s concerned, she`s home now and I think it would be truly unkind to move her on and ask her to make this effort all over again.  Anyway, I`d never have a moment`s peace wondering if she was safe and happy.

So what you said the other week has come to pass – she`s not going anywhere else.  I`d be a complete fool to let such a special dog slip away and, now the decision`s made, I`m so happy and proud to say she`s my dog (although I`ve still got to do the paperwork etc).  I really want to thank everyone at SHAK for the day to day care and kindness she received over such a long time and, of course, for taking her in when she had been abandoned and rejected by others."
Words cannot describe how pleased I am for this beautiful little girl, thank you so much Lesley.